Business Stories & Marketing Videos.

MARIN VIDEO: Coaching / Production / Marketing

video marketing _mike wolpert
video coaching _mike wolpert
video production marin county

Small Business Video Marketing Strategies

AIDA Strategy with Video Marketing

AIDA Strategy with Video Marketing

Here’s a simple tip, a video marketing strategy - or format - to keep in mind when you’re pondering what to video next - The concept is AIDA - some say AID-A, thanks to the Opera, I’ve gotta go with AIDA. The acronym stands for Attention, Interest, Decision, Action...

“What I Love About My Work” – video marketing for Pros

“What I Love About My Work” – video marketing for Pros

Some folks are busy making videos for the internet in the hopes of becoming the next viral star or YouTube or tiktoker and then getting heaps of money piled on them for reasons seemingly unknown. This is possible! So is winning the lottery. The rest of us see video as...

Two Best Tools for Easy Video Marketing

Two Best Tools for Easy Video Marketing

Here is a Video Marketing Tip; the two best tools that will make video making, easy. If you’re starting out in your video marketing journey – or restarting it because there’s never been a better time than right now, and you feel a little overwhelmed with Gear

Selling with Non-Salesy Video Marketing

Selling with Non-Salesy Video Marketing

The funny thing about that sentence “I don’t want to be too salesy” is the it’s just not true.
Nobody wants to be seen as ‘pushy’ – or obnoxious, but everyone would like to make more sales, that’s why we’re here, the fundamental purpose of a business, or a business person, is to make sales.

5 Video Marketing Mistakes

5 Video Marketing Mistakes

5 Video Marketing Mistakes That You Should Avoid like the plague … There’s tons of great Video Marketing things TO DO, Here are 5 things TO DON’T 1 - Turning off viewers with overly long introductions. People care what you can do for them, they care that you can solve...

Never Do These 3 Things in Video Marketing

Never Do These 3 Things in Video Marketing

There are three things that you should never do when it comes to video marketing - and one thing you should always do. I’ll share all 4 in this 60 second video marketing tip, so you can give your 2022 video marketing marketing a little jumpstart. First, never be a...

5 Secrets of Great Video Marketing

5 Secrets of Great Video Marketing

Here’s are the 5 ‘Secrets’ to making great videos — a 60 second Video Marketing Tip to give your 2022 a little jumpstart; Funny thing is; the secrets are all about being good, to make great; First; you’ve gotta start with a good intention - hopefully you intend to...

CEO Video Marketing Strategies

CEO Video Marketing Strategies

As a CEO or business owner who hasn’t quite embraced video as a communication tool yet - Here’s a Video Tip to give you a little jumpstart with CEO Video Marketing Strategies; For years I’ve worked 1on1 with Top Executives - from tech startups to Fortune 500 - on how...

Video Marketing Tip: Customer Testimonial Videos

Video Marketing Tip: Customer Testimonial Videos

Here’s a 60 second Video Marketing Tip to give your 2022 a little jumpstart; Share Customer Success Stories. Customer video testimonials and success stories are so important because nothing speaks louder about you than the words of others.  With a favorite regular...

Tell People What You Stand For ~

When you tell people what you Believe In, what you Stand For – and what that means, they’ll easily grasp what you can do for them – and that creates a nice, warm prospect. 

We Believe that these strategies will transform your business.   {more}

Video Stories Inspire Action ~

Stories connect people and create emotions. Business stories, told with video, will attract fresh prospects, and create new customers and increase sales. Tell the stories that drive you, the stories about your people, your product, your customers.  This Is Easy.

Here are 5 simple business marketing stories

Give Your Best Pitch, Everyday ~

This Video is Your Best Salesperson, on Their Best Day – Every Single Time. Marketing is personal – to make life easier, we automate most of it; marketing assets, responsive campaigns & fresh leads.

Simple, Custom Marketing Systems   {more}