Connecting Local small business with Social

Connecting Local small business with Social

Social media searches are more beneficial to your local small business over Google searches.  Why?  Social media yields results based on what your friends think- and that’s the stuff you really care about.  Let’s say you’re looking for a new restaurant to try.  Which...
Cooking Up Your Social Media Success

Cooking Up Your Social Media Success

Anthony Bourdain, Rachel Ray, Bobby Flay. What do three television cooking personalities have to do with you and social media? Plenty. These stars aren’t rich and famous because they all cook. And they didn’t start cooking in order to become rich and famous. Each one...
Effective Short Videos for Business

Effective Short Videos for Business

Can your business tell your story in 15 seconds? How about six? Chances are you’ve watched a video on your phone recently. Video viewership online has rocketed, and there is no sign of it slowing down. With immensely popular video apps like Vine and Instagram, now...

Social Media is Easy

When our clients first approach us about social media, they typically all have the same complaints; “I don’t get it, it’s too hard, time consuming, and difficult to understand”. They find that with a little help from us, they are able to...