The Self-Care Story: Ruben J Rocha – More than Massage

The Self-Care Story: Ruben J Rocha – More than Massage

The story you tell about your business should often include big chunks of you (why you do this) and them (what your customers get from what you do) it’s your passion path combined with the customer benefit story. Often when we are talking about ourselves and our...
A Business Story: Art from the Heart

A Business Story: Art from the Heart

Telling your business story will take many forms, you’ll tell it from different angles to illustrate different points.It can be as easy as pointing a camera at a person (or have them point one at you) and ask the question “Why?” - and then listen. I recently did this...
The Ripple Effect – Storytelling’s Bigger Picture

The Ripple Effect – Storytelling’s Bigger Picture

Most commercials are just that, commercials. They have no ripple effect – they go nowhere and they clutter up so much of our personal space both online and off that I find myself  tuning most of them out. My life is busy – I don’t know about you but...
5 Power Pins for Pinterest

5 Power Pins for Pinterest

As business owners, we understand that the best storytelling lets customers use their imagination to insert their lives into our story. Pinterest, the 4th most popular social site, is a natural fit for social storytelling and customer imagination. Pinterest users...