The Smartphone Revolution

The Smartphone Revolution

Today’s guest post is by Nick Rojas an online journalist and business enthusiast living in Southern California. His writing covers everything from developing communications to the future of technology in business. He also enjoys sharing his passion for...
Curating Content? Try Sliding Down a Social Rabbit Hole

Curating Content? Try Sliding Down a Social Rabbit Hole

Curating content is something most writers love doing because quite often we end up down an unexpected rabbit hole, like Alice in Wonderland. And let me tell you, those unexpected rabbit holes are some of the most delightful places to discover new ways of looking at...

Instagram Direct for Business

The new feature on Instagram, Direct Messaging, allows you to send private images and videos to other Instagram users. This is a great tool for deepening relationships with customers through the level of customer service it allows.  It allows your small business the...