Today’s guest post is by Nick Rojas an online journalist and business enthusiast living in Southern California. His writing covers everything from developing communications to the future of technology in business. He also enjoys sharing his passion for technology with fellow entrepreneurs

Few technologies have grown as rapidly to become an integral part of everyday life as the smartphone. The pocket-sized devices that we truly take for granted now are powerful tools for every task imaginable, and that includes marketing.

By simply exploring the app market and creating mobile features for your customers, you ensure a new level of persistent visibility that allows them to interact with your brand, no matter what time it is, or where they are. As smartphones become more prevalent than human beings, it’s important to pay attention to mobile trends and come up with a strategy that will be effective and also beneficial for your customers.

Whether you pursue a dedicated, branded app, or just have a mobile storefront available to let your customers shop on the go, no business wanting to grow beyond local status can afford to ignore the mobile needs of its customers. Take a look at the infographic below, brought to you by , when considering how best to create your own mobile strategy.
