To become successful, the first step is defining “successful” – what does success mean to you? What will your life look like once you’ve begun to achieve the kind of success you crave? What will you feel like, how will you act? How will you measure the results of your efforts so you can acknowledge your progress? Create a specific definition and write it down (you have to write it down – your definition of success, your goals and your action plan).

Success begins at home, within ourselves. Pay attention to three key inner states.

  1. Your Mental state. How’s your inner mind, is it calm? Can you find a sense of serenity when you seek it? What can you do to make that better?
  2. Your Physical state. Are you healthy and energized? Do you feel good? Are you free from aches and pains, are you free from disease? Are you caring for yourself? Your physical state will feed your mental state, your vibrant energy will shine through in all areas of your life.
  3. The state of your Relationships. Is this part of your house in order? Do you show your family and friends how important they are through your actions?

Our inner strength is the foundation upon which we really build our success filled life, take care to make that foundation solid.

It’s not all about the money. At a workshop recently we asked a participant what he wanted and he immediately replied “I want to be rich” when I asked how he said “I hope I win the lottery”. Well, “rich” is not a goal (it’s a fantasy) and “hope” is not a strategy. After some digging, we uncovered that what he was really seeking is Financial Freedom and that is a goal and you can create strategies to achieve it.

Financial Freedom merely means that you have enough money or are making enough money so that you don’t have to worry about it. Most people worry about money all the time; do they have enough, will it go away, will it run out, where will they get more? You can free yourself from that worry once you define your financial goals clearly and create plans to achieve these goals. With specific goals and action plans for financial freedom, your mind is freed from worrying about an uncertain future and free to get to work creating your future … and achieving those goals.

As you move forward towards your success, towards your self-created dream life, be aware of the goals that you set and the actions that you take. Part of our success is who we become, what we stand for. You have an opportunity to live life large, be part of the solution – not the problem. Stand for what’s right, be a force for good.

Remember three things;

Your life will get better when you get better.

The only real limits on you are self imposed.

Anything worth doing is worth doing right now.

Get started, be focused, work hard, have fun – and we’ll see you at the top!

Mike Wolpert