Business Stories & Marketing Videos.

MARIN VIDEO: Coaching / Production / Marketing

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video coaching _mike wolpert
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Small Business Video Marketing Strategies

LOCAL SEO – How to Get Found in Your Neighborhood, on Google

LOCAL SEO – How to Get Found in Your Neighborhood, on Google

Local SEO is a specialized kind search engine optimization - it allows you to be found by prospects who are most likely to walk in your front door; people who are searching for you specifically and people who are searching for what you do and sell nearby them. Think...

How to Reduce Stress  in Your Busy Life

How to Reduce Stress in Your Busy Life

How many of you go through each day like this? Wake up; shower; breakfast with coffee; maybe get kids off to school; drink more coffee, take a quick look at your to-do list and start making mental notes about which ones you’re going to check off first; have another...

One Simple Strategy to Get Great Google Reviews

One Simple Strategy to Get Great Google Reviews

Don’t get screwed - get reviewed! Google reviews can make or break your business, making your online reputation your most valuable marketing asset, and customer reviews drive that reputation. The single best thing that you can do for your business is to identify your...

Google Maps for Small Business:

Google Maps for Small Business:

Here’s all you need to know for your business on Google Maps. Google Maps makes it easier for people to find you. simple. Even better, people are just a click away from calling you or getting directions - having the little voice in their phone give them the...

Local Marketing: The Positive Power of B2B Referrals

Local Marketing: The Positive Power of B2B Referrals

    Building a successful local marketing strategy isn’t just about connecting and engaging with customers who buy your stuff. It’s also about tapping into the positive energy of a prime source of referrals that can help you increase sales and growth: Your...

The Power of “We Believe” Marketing Statements

The Power of “We Believe” Marketing Statements

  As business owners, we'd all like to be able to flip a switch and bring 100 new, loyal, ready-to-buy customers through the front door, or, for those of us in the service business, to be invited to come through 100 new customer doors. These 'We Believe'...

Tell People What You Stand For ~

When you tell people what you Believe In, what you Stand For – and what that means, they’ll easily grasp what you can do for them – and that creates a nice, warm prospect. 

We Believe that these strategies will transform your business.   {more}

Video Stories Inspire Action ~

Stories connect people and create emotions. Business stories, told with video, will attract fresh prospects, and create new customers and increase sales. Tell the stories that drive you, the stories about your people, your product, your customers.  This Is Easy.

Here are 5 simple business marketing stories

Give Your Best Pitch, Everyday ~

This Video is Your Best Salesperson, on Their Best Day – Every Single Time. Marketing is personal – to make life easier, we automate most of it; marketing assets, responsive campaigns & fresh leads.

Simple, Custom Marketing Systems   {more}