Create 3 Great Marketing Videos (with very little effort)
Here’s how to create 3 great marketing videos to promote your business with very little effort – in this 60 second Video marketing Tip: Sometimes the road from “I oughta do a video…” to “I did a marketing video” is a little bumpy – the biggest bumpy being “a video about what?” – unless you have a burning desire and some inspiration it’s easy to get stuck.
Here’s a simple solution; repurpose your old blog posts.
Using just the 3 most popular, most impactful or most meaningful to you, to make 3 great marketing videos. Take those blog posts and make them the basis of your videos – you shouldn’t read them as a script – because our speaking words are different from our writing words, but you can use some bullet points from the posts to hit the same themes in a different, repurposed way. Since the blog posts you are working with are meaningful to you, you know the material, the information is all right there – in your head, almost on the tips of your tongue.
Think it through, jot a few points down, press record and let it flow into a video.
This accomplishes several things; your marketing video content now is consistent and congruent with what you do, sell and talk about on your website, which the search engines take notice of. You’ve now got new content on a familiar topic and you can post that video to YouTube and as much social media as appropriate linking back to your website from each platform and you can add the YouTube video to the original blog post and add a link to the blog post in the YouTube description box – all of which is good SEO strategy.
People may not be reading blog posts anymore – certainly not as much as they are watching videos, but this all adds to your displayed expertise and authority in your field which is more attractive to both your prospects and the google algorithms. This process of making 3 great marketing videos, makes making your next videos easier and along the way you’ll discover other posts that you can lean on and, undoubtedly, fresh inspiration. Your videos don’t need to be perfect, they just need to be real; really you – and really useful, interesting … or funny. So go have some fun.
Another simple marketing video that you can easily create, Video Customer Testimonials and things will be even easier with these simple video making tools.