Yelp is a website with a simple mission; connecting people with great local businesses by featuring reviews from people who have been to those businesses. Yelp is the go-to location for many people seeking advice on where to buy or seeking feedback from people who have specifically bought from you. It’s easy to use Yelp to help your business. Imagine this: each and every second a customer get directions to, or calls a business from Yelp – every second! And it’s just going to keep growing.

Here’s some great tips for using Yelp for Success:

Claim your business listing – either from the listing itself or set up a profile at then Complete your Yelp profile, telling your story in a way that let’s them know what you do and why you do it. People come to Yelp looking for information, here’s where you can give them the facts and link to your website. Add your logo, company history – put some time into it, have a little fun and give your Yelp listing a taste of your personality.

Take advantage of the visuals – Yelp lets you add photos, as many as you want, so do it!
Respond to your reviews – this is really important. You can join the conversation and it shows you care.

Try out Yelp Deals – people can buy gift cards or goods right from the Yelp page before they even get to you – like most online “deals” you have to offer a discount and Yelp keeps a slice.

Yelp is a force to be reckoned with – use Yelp to help your business – it’s a powerful platform that gives customers a voice. For you it’s an opportunity to chime in on the best kind of advertising there is; word of mouth – and that’s what social marketing is all about!

-Mike Wolpert