Small Business research studies seem to identify the lack of time as a major problem for owners. Not sure why anyone needs a research study to tell you that obvious fact! Of course, most business owners don’t care because they don’t have time to read long cumbersome analyst reports anyway.

We caught this recent article from Information Week about how most SMB’s lack having a social media strategy – primarily from having no time. Our advice – don’t over think social media strategy – just focus on the tactical.

What exactly does that mean? Just getting in the game and participating is really the only strategy you need – especially if you are just getting started. Or, Just Do It.

SMB owners are successful because they use common sense. And a common sense approach to social media success is not being overly concerned about “strategy” but rather being an active social listener and participant. We know getting started can be tough that’s why we specialize in super easy and friendly training to get you up and running quick.

There were some other reasonable challenges the SMB proprietor faces in the article – such as which sites to participate in and how to measure results. Those are topics we lay out for you in our training too.

But at the beginning and end of the day – the bottom line is that using social media can be easy and fun and is more critical everyday. It will help your business succeed!