When it comes to marketing your business, there is no better time to embrace video and stories that right now. Here are three simple ways to use video, in the post-covid world, to get customers, make sales and give customer service.
Starting off simply; using your phone to make quick videos for social media, keep the 3-part sales video formula in mind; story + data + CTA. tell a little story, giving an example, give some data and or social proof to back it up and then – don’t forget this part; give a CTA, tell them what to do.
Here’s how to use video to GET CUSTOMERS;
– prove the benefits; tell me about the good I’m getting.
– show the results; tell me about the good changes I’ll experience
– show off your customers; we believe real people way more than fancy, expensive ads.
Here’s how to use video to MAKE SALES;
– record your best salesperson, on their best day, giving their best pitch ever.
– make your best pitch and best pitch deck ever available 24/7 on your website and online. if someone is seeking information at 10pm, give it to them right then and there – by 10am the next day, they may have found someone else.
– use video to followup; from a personalized thank-you to a video based email campaign to nurture prospects.
Here’s HOW to use video to GIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE;
– answer questions before they become problems, solve problems before they become a hassle
-create a How-to video showing the best way to use or implement what they purchased
– be the expert, give tips on and around your topic, people watch videos to learn stuff; teach them something; about your industry, your product/solution or even yourself
– Answer those Frequently Asked Questions; anticipating what your customers might want to know and making a resource of that information available online 24/7 on demand, further establishes you as the go-to expert … and everyone loves doing business with the expert.
There you go; 3 types of story based marketing videos that you can embrace to stay connected to your customers, reach out for new prospects and grow your business. If you’d like a little more, grab my new book “VideoStorySelling – the How-to guide for small business video marketing success” – available on Amazon, you can grab a kindle version for just 3 bucks. Or, if you’re ready for some hands-on help; video coaching, consulting and production are what we are all about, just email Mike@SocialJumpstart com.