Here’s a 60 second Video Marketing Tip to give your 2022 a little jumpstart;

Start with the basics; making a Welcome Video for your website is critical because they’ve made it there! That means they’re interested so give them whatever they need to make a decision; emotion, facts, connection – and a call to action.

It’s a simple video; say hello, tell us about what you do, talk about the results we’ll get, tell us how to find you, tell us what to do next. You’ll stand out, get attention, start a relationship.

When you make a connection, you make a customer. Just be you; doesn’t have to be fancy, just has to be real. Use your phone or a webcam or a friend, just go film something – it’ll take a few takes, but let ‘good enough’ be ok – you can always make it better, later.

Now; upload your video to Youtube with a good headline and description then add it right to your website homepage and you’re done. Nice and easy.

In business, this is the year for video – your year. Want some support? Learn about our upcoming 21 day Video Marketing Jumpstart at