Many parents are concerned about the “disappearing” photos and videos their kids are sharing on Snapchat for obvious reasons.  Even if you think your kid is not involved in inappropriate content and sexting there is a new concern from the massive millennial messaging app – paid snap “replays” of photos and videos at 99 cents a pop.

There are many horror stories of teens and young children racking up massive bills from data and games like Clash of Clans or Game of War. Snapchat just added to the mix and we can soon expect to see stories of parents being shocked at charges from Snap Replays on their credit card statements.

But that’s not all. Snapchat has added something called “selfie lenses” which allows users to morph their photos in all kinds of crazy ways. They are free today but how much do you want to bet that a price tag will soon be slapped on these in the near future?

As a small business owner you know how to keep an eye on the bottom line – so if you have kids, watch out for them being tempted to try out the new .99 cent addition from their favorite way to communicate with friends!