shutterstock_156350636Great storytelling in business isn’t always about telling the obvious. Oftentimes, a great story is all about showing your small business super powers – the ones that don’t come with a price tag attached.

Super powers?

An example of this can be seen in the way some large companies try to show us a belief or value that they want their brand to be known for – something non-tangible that we come to associate with them each time we purchase a new laptop, bottle of soda or box of tissue.

Here’s a story of a little dog and his human – they bonded over two shared traits: physical challenge and positive attitude.

It’s an emotional and uplifting story. You watch it all the way through and then at the end you see the Kleenex logo appear on screen and you understand immediately.

Kleenex created a story to show you that their super power is one of emotional support. Happy tears or sad – it doesn’t matter – a lot of people reach for tissues when they’re going through an emotional event. You don’t need to run out and buy a box of Kleenex to get the message. But next time you do reach for one – that message will be there – whether you are fully conscious of it or not.

As small business owners you can take the idea of the Super Power Story and really make it something special. And you have amazing resources to tap into for inspiration and help  – your staff and customers. These folks are the life blood of every small business, and they will help you craft a story that is engaging, entertaining and 100% authentic.

Creating Your Small Business Super Powers Story

  1. Take some time think about commercials that really stuck with you – whether on video or in print – How did the storytelling show you the company’s non-tangible message?
  2. Take stock of all the brands you purchase repeatedly – what is the super power that makes you consistently buy that brand rather than its competitor?
  3. What do you think your brand’s super powers are? Make a list.
  4. Now ask your staff what they think your brand’s super powers are. Make another list.
  5. Last, but most importantly, ask for input from customers. Make your final list.
  6. How many answers from each list match up?
  7. Remember the commercials that stuck with you? Add in a dash of what it was that you liked – their use of emotion? Their use of attitude? Their use of setting? What aspect of their storytelling helped keep your attention?
  8. Now – what is it that keeps you loyal to a brand?
  9. Review your answers for questions 6 – 8. What one super power really stands out? That is what you want to build your story around.
  10. Once you have your super power start filling in the details of the story: will it be conveyed through the perspective of a  customer? A staff member? You?
  11. Now the fun part – Write it, Snap it and/or Film it.
  12. Final step – post it out to your social platforms. And get started on your next one!

Storytelling gives you the perfect vehicle for communicating your brand values in ways that can be both captivating and entertaining. So take some time to craft a story – because a story about a super power is always a story worth sharing.