Making Your Video Marketing More Fun(er)
Video Marketing Made Fun. Making marketing videos can be a little stressful, one great way to make making them more fun is to relax. Work with people you’re comfortable with in a good environment and focus on the message less than the medium. Just be you. Just be you,...
Get a Video Marketing Jumpstart
Get a Video Jumpstart. Getting started, again. We all go through cycles, if you made some marketing videos in the past and then life got in the way so it’s been a while, no big deal. Here are a few ideas to get a quick video jumpstart and get back into the groove....
How Long Should a Marketing Video Be?
How Long Should Your Marketing Video Be? How do you make your videos shorter? Get to the point, tell the story for as long as it’s interesting. For a recorded rehearsal, film, watch, adjust. Do it again, better. Do a little preplanning, block out the story, bullet...
Video Marketing : What’s Your Message?
How Important is Your Message? Very. The message is what people are after. People watching your video, it’s FOR something, seeking something. Answers, encouragement, knowledge, inspiration, they are after the message - so make sure they get it. The message is simple;...
Getting Un-Stuck with Video Marketing
Get Un-Stuck with making videos for social media. We know it’s an important part of online marketing, we know it’s a great way to reach prospects and connect with customers, but that doesn’t always make it less aggravating. Have you made some videos using your phone...